Project Minimalism

“I have decided it’s Time! We just have too much clutter & I feel it is bogging up all aspects of our lives! It is time for us to ‘Go Minimal’ and de-clutter now!”

I have heard this phrase from friends and strangers a like from all walks of life. It seems there is a big demand for clarity and cleanliness. I fit into this same box and have wanted to do the same so.. Here I Go!


To begin “Project Minimalism” I will use different resources and pick what I feel is best for my little family, I’ll keep you updated on the journey, you will know what I did wrong, right, and if it was worth it in the end.

To be honest this all seems a little daunting because we have a ton of crap, but here goes nothing!

Onward and upward to simplicity and serenity!



-Namaste and Remember to Breathe Deep!

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