My Dirty Laundry

Ok, it’s time! I have to get something off my chest and air out my “Dirty Laundry”. I know some of you might think I’m crazy and won’t believe me but I promise that everything you will read is true. I love doing laundry!


This week has been extra busy, I took my State Realtor test, started Yoga Teacher Training, tried to keep up with my toddlers, as well as be a present wife. Something had to give so I failed to do laundry for a few days. In my world if I skip a day of laundry it turns into a mountain! Yesterday I start the task of taking down the massive heap of dirty clothes. Laundry happens to be one of my least favorite tasks in life just like most of you I’m sure. As I sat in my kids room sorting their clothes I noticed that they told a story. I could see their adventures through the paint on their clothes and mud on the knees of  pants. The pink tutu reminded me of the day my daughter and I pretended to be sleeping beauty super heroes. Then there was the snotty shirt that my son decided to use as a tissue when his cold started a few days ago.


Then I thought back on my clothes. What story do they tell? Do they even tell a story?

There was the heap of yoga pants I wore to yoga and then the second heap of yoga pants I wore to intend to do yoga in and decided to eat a pint of ice cream instead (we all need a rest/recovery day, right?)

Then there was the wrinkled nice clothes from when the hubs and I went out on a date. But besides that it was a story of monotone.


I started to see the beauty in my kid’s stains. They really live life to the fullest! I started to realize that I should do more to be more like them. This spring and summer I intend to dirty up my clothes and live! Jump in muddy puddles with the kids, roll down the hill in the backyard, go hiking every weekend and not care so much if I get a stain once in a while. Most important is if I am making memories with my family and really living my life.

Except, I will definitely use a tissue to wipe my nose.


Now every time that I do laundry I am reminded of all the memories we have made.  This is why I love doing laundry. I challenge you to find the good in something you usually dread, you might actually find something you enjoy.

Good luck with your laundry!

-Namaste Bitches