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When Will I Stop Questioning my Parenting?

The answer to the title “When Will I Stop Questioning My Parenting?” is a simple NEVER!

Don’t get me wrong, I have my days where I feel like Mary F#*$ing Poppins. My kids tell me that they love me, that I’m beautiful, and that I am the best mom in the world. Those days are golden and keep me going.


But, lately I have had some questioning moments that have left me smacking my forehead in embarrassment over my biased views and stupid actions. Since I love self depreciation here are some of my more memorable moments.


I’m sure with each stage of my kids lives I will find other things I do as a parent that I regret or realize I am doing wrong. Hopefully I will learn to not be so hard on myself cause I am constantly learning and growing.

-Namaste Bitches!

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