Project Minimalism, Step 2: Make A List and Start At The Top

I have taken some time to write this post because it has been hard to execute. Some days I worry I bit off way more than I can chew. But I am still trucking along. So here goes, This is where I am so far. I’m actually proud of what I have done, I just wish it was going faster. But this is the plight with having 2 toddlers. Sometimes it doesn’t get done.


Very first, after all my research, it was time to make a list. (See image below)

  1. Wardrobe (including boxed items)
  2. Beauty: Makeup, Skincare, Toiletries, Hair Products
  3. Linens
  4. Knick Knacks FML!!! inc. excess home decor
  5. Repeat for each family member. Or better yet just MAKE THEM DO IT!
  6. Electronics (iPods, computers, Hard Drives, DVDs, CDs etc…)
  7. Papers! Papers! Papers! (Documents, Manual, Receipts) 
  8. Kitchen: Dishes, Appliances, Tupperware
  9. Cleaning Products & Tools
  10. Workout Equipment
  11. Outdoor Toys
  12. Indoor Toys
  13. Crafts: sewing, Planning, Jewelry Making
  14. Last but not least: BOOKS


Now of course after looking over this list and creating this post I have left out a few things which I will add to the bottom, which  are:

*Travel items: Luggage, Converters, Blankets, Neck Pillows, Money belts etc.

*Meditation/Yoga Room 

*Camping Gear

I’m sure as this process goes on I will find much more to do but for now that’s all my brain can think of right now. I am also dealing with an average of 5 hours of sleep and caffeine jitters so that could make a difference in my thinking as well.

I have already finished step 1, Wardrobe; and am in the process of Step 2, Beauty. I decided to follow the ‘KonMari’ method of going through items and folding them back up. I can’t explain very well into words how refreshing it is to have a smaller wardrobe that is easily seen with the eye and is all items that fit me and that I love to wear. Everything else was thrown out! Bags and bags of clothes went to charity. In the book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, I was taught to thank my clothes for serving my needs and send it off to go help someone else. I know it sounds super cheesy and silly but it actually really works. When it came down to my maybe items I used this method on deciding.


“If I hadn’t worn it in over a year, if it didn’t fit anymore, or if it wasn’t in style I would thank the item for it’s help and send it off to the next Boho Goddess that needed it.”

One of the best things this book taught me was how to fold my clothes! It was so simple that I am shocked I hadn’t thought of it sooner. I will link here to her site, she obviously is the expert and explains it the best. It is in between a traditional fold and a roll. Once folded, then you line your clothes horizontally in drawers like with like (shirts together, pants together, underwear catch my drift?) When placing items in the drawer you start left to right, dark to light. So you end up with a beautiful rainbow of clothes! Do the same thing with items in your closet. I can tell this is gonna stick because I have already done multiple loads of laundry and I actually was excited to fold my clothes.

“Making sure the clothes that you own reflect you and are beautifully stored is a sure fire way to know you will keep up with the organization.”

When all was said and done with step 1 my wardrobe filled half a regular length closet and 4 dresser drawers. I have LESS clothes than my husband!! and it takes me less time to find what I need. I also know I love how it looks and fits. Pretty sure the hubs will be doing this soon. I actually think he is a little jealous but won’t admit it.

Now I’m off to finish the rest of my steps. Not gonna lie, it seems totally daunting and if I look at the entire list I want to quit and say ‘I’m Done!’ So I found it helps to look at one step at a time and only focus on that one item. I’ll keep you updated as I go along with more images and what worked and what didn’t.

Here is to striving for Minimal Living! Cheers!

-Namaste and Remember To Breathe Deep!