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I am a mom, I have tattoos, and I have no regrets!

I have stated that I am a walking contradiction on this blog and I’m not about to stop…

” I am a mom, and I have tattoos!”

I know this statement might not be shocking for most of you but where I live it is a moral sin.

A few years ago I decided to start living for myself as well as my family. I used to only live for approval from everyone else but myself. With this change came a shift in my emotional, spiritual and physical being. The physical changes included; pink hair, a nose piercing, finally wearing shorts (self image issues), and tattoos.

From the outside looking in I’m sure everyone felt I had lost my mind. Change tends to scare and frighten people. I had my fair share of family and friends come to me with their concern for my wellbeing. For the most part I thanked them for caring and loving me so much that they came to me. I feel the worst thing that could happen is people talking bad behind my back. To be honest, I still get stares and head shakes from some, but I have learned to let it roll off my back.

It has taken me a good 2 years to not let others opinions bother me. I still feel the sting of guilt from time to time and I quickly take a step back and remind myself I am finally living my truth. Growing up I was filled with anxiety, guilt and only caring about approval, so it is easy for me to fall into that trap from time to time.


I have learned to ask myself a few key questions when making big decisions.  (It wasn’t any different when I got my tattoos):

When I decided I was getting my tattoo I had a huge energy rush! I had wanted a tattoo for years but couldn’t get over the fact that it was not acceptable if I wanted to have good standing in my community. Finally I let it all go and said ,”Who Cares?!” and I did it! I really got a tattoo. I was so happy with my follow through. One tattoo soon became 2 then 3 then 4! Not gonna lie, I have more on my mind.

**Little inside tip on deciding on a tattoo: Getting a tattoo is very personal. You should only get one if you really really want it. The worst thing you could do is get it and then regret it a few years later.

My Main Reasons Why I Love My Tattoos:

I hope my opinion on my tattoos and why I got them has helped if you have been debating on getting one or making some other big change. Just remember, that whatever you do, stay true to yourself no matter what!

-Namaste and Remember To Breathe Deep!

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