To PTA or not to PTA? …That is the question!

When I first heard my sister-in-law was PTA president for the elementary school that her kids attended, as well as the future school to my littles, I was shocked! She is an awesome mom and also not at all what I pictured as a PTA President (which is a good thing). She is fun, open-minded, somewhat irreverent and very smart. I attributed her back-ground in education to be the reason why she became active in the PTA and then I decided it was time for me to hide under a rock! I was scared to be asked to do anything. I’ll be honest that I actually was a bit rude about it. I voiced my disdain for joining the PTA in front of her and the rest of my family during dinner one Sunday. She was very sweet and said of course I could do what I wanted. Around the same time of this new revelation about my sister-in-law and the PTA, a movie came out in theaters about motherhood and being in the PTA. It poked fun at the false, pre-conceived, notions of what the PTA is. It really got me thinking that maybe my ideas of the PTA are pretty ignorant.


Of course I had already proclaimed my hatred for the PTA to my family but I was starting to realize I had no strong evidence to back up my feelings of contempt except for my ignorant opinions.  Which were as follows:

  • Pearls and Alex and Ani bracelets up the arm as far as the eye can see
  • Stay at home moms
  • “Helicopter Parenting”
  • Loads of make-up
  • Loads of money
  • “Tea Party” Conservative
  • Girl cliques in Jr High and High School but more adult and ruthless


(There was no way my pink hair, tattoos, and nose ring coupled with my liberal views would fly with other PTA members!)

I decided it was time to ask my sister-in-law a little bit more about this phenomenon called the PTA. I was pleasantly surprised that I could devote as little or as much time as I wanted.  The PTA puts on some pretty amazing events during the year including the school book fairs, Fun Runs, and the spelling bee. She revealed to me the lack of members, help, and support they had. (At this point in our conversation my inner dialogue is cursing for being so selfish at dinner the other night. I probably sounded like such a jerk, up on my high horse and not willing to get down and help)

Long story short I decided to join the PTA! I have only been a member for a couple months, attended one meeting, and helped with one book fair but so far it is great!

Here are some things I have learned about the PTA since joining:

  • PTA members are, for the most part, super cool! They have to roll with the punches and deal with the hand they have been given. (Sometimes that hand can be pretty crappy due to a lack of support)
  • Yoga pants and sweats are totally allowed if not endorsed!
  • I can bring my toddlers with me to almost everything. I think members are just so happy that I was willing to help that I didn’t get the “stink eye” when my little people have to tag along.
  • All types of demographics are represented so I don’t feel looked down on or less then.
  • It is a great way to see the fun activities my kids will get to do.
  • I also get to know the parents and teachers that will be working close with my kids! (Mama Bear can get a little paranoid sometimes so this is a total plus!)

Overall it has been an awesome experience so far and I look forward to next year. There have been no scream fights or hair pulling yet so I call that pretty successful! I’m sure there will be arguments and I’m sure I will spill chili all over the carpeted floor in the Faculty Room just like Kevin did in The Office during a Pot Luck but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t happen till next year.


Wish my butter fingers Luck!


-Namaste and Remember To Breathe Deep!


P.S. Join the PTA!
